Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 26-29
Citation information:
Kichurchak, M. (2013). Privatization as a factor of public goods reproduction mechanism transformation in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 26-29.
Marianna Kichurchak
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, Ukraine
Privatization as a factor of public goods reproduction mechanism transformation in Ukraine
Abstract. The estimation of privatization and its peculiarities as a factor of transformation of public goods reproduction system is investigated in the article. The uniformity of privatization process’s scope by Ukrainian regions was evaluated based on calculation of relative concentration index of alienated objects and characterized as redistributable relations foundation for public goods production. Using a regressive-correlation analysis, the existence of visional connection between the relative concentration index of alienated objects and the deficit level of consolidated budget was determined; middle force connection between this index and increase rates of GDP was found. The author specifies that processes of public goods production regulation are oriented on stability adjusting in providing of corresponding volumes of budget resources, though there is scanty attention on creation of proper social and economical conditions for positive changes. The forming of efficient mechanism of public goods reproduction envisages completion of privatization, guaranteeing of its procedure transparency and providing of more effective state property management.
Keywords: Privatization; Reproduction; Public Goods; Property Relations; Production; Transformation
JEL Classification: C10; H41; H82; L33
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Received 31.05.2013