Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 42-45

Citation information:
Mann, R. (2013). Scientific basis of regional management: diagnosis of socialization process. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 42-45.

Ruslan Mann
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
D.Sc. (Economics) Degree Seeker,
Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport of Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Ukraine

Scientific basis of regional management: diagnosis of socialization process

Abstract. Introduction. In modern Ukrainian conditions the role of social processes in economics increases together with the tendency to regionalization. In such situation it is important to use resources of economics socialization at regional level for creation of transparent and equal mechanisms of interaction between local population and authorities. Purpose. To analyze ongoing problems, to work out stages of diagnosis, indicators and advancement prospects of socialization processes in the region. Results. The author has defined 7 stages of diagnosis of the regional management socialization level, they are: analytical-methodic, organizational-methodic, evaluation-analytical, socialization management modelling, verification of diagnosis results, expert-project making stage. Each stage is shown in the study from theoretical and practical point of view. At evaluation-analytical stage the author proposes a system of balanced indicators aimed at creation a matrix «economic goals – social goals – ecological goals – regional institutional environment quality goals» and definition of region’s positions in coordinates of economic concentration, social concentration, crisis, and steady development. Socialization indices are grouped at balanced indicators and the method of their integral evaluation is proposed. At stage of modelling the author has worked out a formula to indicate a level of integral socialization of regional management (ISRM). Conclusion. Diagnosis of regional socialization processes and comparison of its level among different regions of a country reasons a choice of certain transformation vector, formalizes regional systems modelling, and forms a whole structure of social, economic, ecological, institutional priorities of regional development.

Keywords: Socialization; Regional Management; Diagnosis; Performance Evaluation Processes of Socialization in the Region

JEL Classification: R1; O1; O2


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Received 20.06.2013