Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 83-86

Citation information:
Moroz, O., Shveikina, L., & Ganziyenko, N. (2013). Modelling of interrelation between the state of financial and economic activity of an enterprise and the efficiency of its economic behavior. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 83-86.

Oleh Moroz
D.Sc. (Economics),
Director of Agricultural Economics Institute,
Vinnytsya National Agrarian University, Ukraine

Lyudmyla Shveikina
Senior Lecturer,
Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine

Natalyia Ganziyenko
Post-Graduate Student,
Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine

Modelling of interrelation between the state of financial and economic activity of an enterprise and the efficiency of its economic behavior

Abstract. Introduction. The investigation of domestic enterprises in terms of theory and models of economic behavior gives an opportunity to consider their institutional particularities and fulfill the forecasting and simulation of their operation. The lack of clear theoretical and methodological basis of economic behavior research of enterprises determines the necessity of investigation in this area. The purpose of the paper is the development and presentation of the authors’ conception of the models of economic behavior of the diary processing enterprises as well as identification of interrelation between the efficiency of economic behavior of an enterprise and the state of its financial and economic activity. Results. The theoretical basis, including the content of the category «behavior of an enterprise» and the «efficiency of the enterprise’s economic behavior model» are considered in the paper. It was suggested to use the Index of expenditure on added value to estimate the efficiency of the enterprise’s behavior model. Taking into consideration the specificity of the dairy industry, peculiarities of the production development of the researched subjects, and dominance of the survival factor as well as adaptive component of their activities, there were identified three main types of the economic behavior models for the dairy processing enterprises. These models are: the model of production behavior, the model of «raw-material appendage», the model of mixed behavior. Simulation of the interrelation between the Index of the financial and economic activity state of an enterprise and the Index of the efficiency of its economic behavior model are made on the base of correlative and regressive methods. As a result, strong correlation became apparent. Conclusion. Educed regularities confirm that the financial and economic activities of the enterprises that chose the optimal model of economic behavior, taking into account their peculiarities, are economically the most efficient.

Keywords: Model of Economic Behavior of an Enterprise; Added Value; Efficiency; Expenditures on Added Value; Correlation Interrelation

JEL Classification: C52; D21


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Received 29.05.2013