Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 97-100
Citation information:
Theron, I. (2013). Modernization of social-labor relations: scenarios, priorities, and effects. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 97-100.
Iryna Theron
PhD (Economics),
Senior Scientist,
Institute of Demography and Social Researches of the National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
Modernization of social-labor relations: scenarios, priorities and effects
Abstract. Introduction. Article is devoted to research of alternative trajectories of social-labor relations modernization during the crisis, and globalization influences on strengthening and changing in economic cycles. Results. The essence of the most probable scenarios of these relations’ modernization is formulated. The features of innovative development, priorities of state regulation and results for a labor market and a social capital market formation are established. Three scenarios of social-economic relations development has been worked out and estimated. The optimistic scenario (15% of probability) needs the provision of advanced modernization of the social-labor relations basing on systemic innovation and productive social capital. The purpose of the basic (real) scenario (45% of probability) is ensuring minimal acceptable parameters of economic growth and prevention of a labor market destabilization. It provides partial innovation of the labor sphere and preventive recovery measures. The pessimistic scenario (40% of probability) provides secondary inorganic imitative modernization of а social-labor relations basing on economic determinism, domination of external influences and economic «genotype» of the West, minority of national socio-cultural aspects, and structural reforms slowdown. Conclusion. Only applying of the optimistic scenario which creates a new quality of social development on the state level gives an opportunity for the developing or transitive countries, and particularly Ukraine, to overcome negative national and global crisis effects. It is important to create conditions for the sixth technological mode spreading at business level, so that to enter to the next long phase of the Kondratyev’s economic growth cycle together with other countries. Otherwise, Ukraine could be pushed away from the world developmental and innovational processes.
Keywords: Social-Labor Relations; Scenario of Modernization; Innovations; Labor Market; State Regulation
JEL Classification: O11; H11; E24; J64
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Received 23.06.2013