Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 101-103

Citation information:
Yefremov, V. (2013). Choosing a profession as a condition of a human’s natural development. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 101-103.

Viktor Yefremov
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Nizhyn State University named after Mykola Gogol, Ukraine

Choosing a profession as a condition of a human’s natural development

Abstract. Introduction. In the article it is proved that all the existing patterns of social system having been checked by life aren’t perfect ones since they don’t fully take into consideration natural possibilities of a man. This concerns, first of all, such a phenomenon as a professional selection of cadres, which is a problem of countries with transitional economics, including Ukraine. Purpose. It is possible to approach the ideal under such circumstances. When choosing profession, social but not economic components will be taken into consideration. And it will promote the development of man’s personality and ensure the natural development of society. The task is set up to build in Ukraine such a model of selecting a profession which would be based on objective criteria connected with studying the peculiarities of human nature. Results. As a result of the research the author makes a conclusion that the presence of personal freedom is not a guarantee of good professional selection. The permanent development of the personality takes place when a person being a specialist in a narrow field of activity, works on his vocation. The natural development of each human will enable the natural development of society. Conclusion. In spite of the theoretical character of this article, it is of great practical value. By changing the system of the staff selecting, Ukraine will raise their professional level that will positively affect all spheres of social life.

Keywords: Nature of Human; Nature of Society; System of Personnel’s Selection; Social Division of Labour

JEL Classification: J24


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Received 17.06.2013