Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 7-10

Citation information:
Trokhymchuk, V. (2013). Necessity of innovation power institute formation in corporative sector of Ukraine’s transformational economy. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 7-10.

Victoria Trokhymchuk
Kryvyi Rih National University
64 Karl Marx St, Kryvyi Rih, 50000, Dnipropetrovska oblast, Ukraine

Necessity of innovational power institute formation in corporative sector of Ukraine’s transformational economy

Abstract. The article reveals the problems of the power interrelations effectiveness inside the corporation. It’s defined that the multy-subjectness of the economic power relations is a characteristic feature for the system of the corporative management. The possible negative behavior vectors of the economic power main subjects at the corporative enterprise are revealed. According to the existed tendency for power concentration, being a characteristic feature for Ukrainian enterprises, the conclusion is made concerning the presence of its certain layers. The basis fundamentals of the power potential’s formation of each of the defined economic power’s layers are cleared up. The stimulation necessity of the power layers development based on the usage of human capital is grounded. The essential characteristic features of the human capital providing the innovational type of organizations recovery are revealed. The author made a supposition on the fact that the orientation towards power concentration, the main source of which is the usage of human capital, will allow to coordinate and to realize in maximum the interests of all the participants of the corporative relations under conditions of the economic system transformation.

Keywords: Economic Power; Subject of Power; Power Potential; Human Capital; Power of an Innovative Type

JEL Classification: P26; O31; D29


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Received 27.06.2013