Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 14-17
Citation information:
Shevchenko, I. (2013). Ecological & economic development of Ukraine in conditions of globalization. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 14-17.
Iryna Shevchenko
PhD (Economics),
Senior Scientific Associate,
Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
60 Shevchenko Blvd, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine
Ecological & economic development of Ukraine in conditions of globalization
Abstract. The need to address immediate issues concerning the definition of qualitatively new approaches to the organization of ecological-economic development of Ukraine requires thinking for further action in this direction. Realization of adapted models of globalization would create conditions for harmonious development of ecological-economic vectors at all levels. To reach of such a new stage of development will be possible only after rebalancing of market regulators. In order to correct observance of disproportions in the structure of the market and its economic direction, the strategic ways of ecological-economic development in the globalized system will be the reform of the tax system. It is necessary to reconsider the system of environmental taxes toward greater adaptation that reflects the realities of time. Adoption of a legal act of environmental security of mankind is also needed. The necessity to form own environmentally oriented investment trusts to enter international markets is evidential. The urgent need of transformational processes in the Ukrainian society on the base of intellectual knowledge should be met by precise action plan. Such Ukrainian progress will contribute not only to national reshaping, but also to proceeding ecological-economic development in the global dimension.
Keywords: Ecological-Economic Development; Globalization; Ecological Politics; Safety; Integration
JEL Classification: F1; F15; J28; Q32
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Received 20.06.2013