Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 24-27
Citation information:
Khodarev, O. (2013). Concept of solid waste processing in the economics of Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 24-27.
Oleksandr Khodarev
Post-Graduate Student,
Donetsk State University of Management
163а Cheluskintsev St, Donetsk, 83015, Ukraine
Concept of solid waste processing in the economics of Ukraine
Abstract. An author analyzes the international practice of different types of solid household waste processing. Main directions of solid household waste processing in the economy of Ukraine have been worked out. A mechanism for household solid waste processing is proposed, which is appropriate for introduction in Ukraine because of its economic, technical and environmental benefits. The mechanism is based on establishment of pyrolysis and congregation facilities at regional level and industrial waste landfills including a complex for household solid waste processing. The peculiarities and advantages of the mechanism are indicated. The possibility of the proposed mechanism applying in Donetsk region has considered.
Keywords: Household Solid Waste; Utilization; Recycling; Landfill; Congregation; Pyrolysis
JEL Classification: O13; O38; O44
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Received 07.05.2013