Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 33-36
Citation information:
Ivanova, O. (2013). Management of external information flows of tourism enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 33-36.
Olena Ivanova
PhD Student,
Poltava University of Economics and Trade
3 Kovalya St, Poltava, 36014, Ukraine
Management of external information flows of tourism enterprises
Abstract. Purpose. One of the problems of the development of the national tourism market and tourism enterprises of Ukraine is insufficient level and low quality of potential consumers informing, improper activity of tourism enterprises in shaping the information space. The basis for solving this problem is to improve the management of external information flows of tourism enterprises. Methods. Set theory and the methods of modelling to develop models of information signalling, theory of information signals were used for the basing of systematic approach to the external information flows of tourism enterprises organizing. Results. Systematic approach based on the usage of the generated complex of information signals for the tourism market and the organization of permanent feedback between tourism enterprises and consumers is offered to use for the organization of external information flows of tourism enterprises. It is determined that the impact strength of the information signal, i.e. its effectiveness depends on the quality of the signal, the organization of its transfer to consumers. Information signals as external information flows and activation of information signalling provide an information connection of consumers and tourism enterprises. The proposed set-theoretic model of information signalling clearly defines the necessary components for the successful implementation of this process. As the result, the provision of information signals depends on how accurately the types of signals, signal transmission channels, and the set of consumers are determined by the enterprise. Conclusion. The complex of information signals will improve the formation of the information space by tourism enterprises. The usage of systematic approach will improve the management of external information flows, increase the demand for tourism products and sustainable competitive position of tourism enterprises in the market will improve the efficiency of business activity.
Keywords: Information Flows; Tourism Enterprise; Information Signal; Model
JEL Classification: D83; L83
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Received 23.04.2013