Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 36-39

Citation information:
Pshenychna, T. (2013). Marketing provision of cluster formation in milk industry. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 36-39.

Tetiana Pshenychna
Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management
1 Striletska St, Chernihiv, 14033, Ukraine

Marketing provision of cluster formation in milk industry

Abstract. The basic pre-conditions for forming clusters in the Ukraine’s milk industry are considered in this article. Directions of increasing efficiency of the marketing ensuring of the enterprises activity in the milk market as a result of their integration in clusters are investigated. The marketing potential is considered as an aggregate of resources and potentialities which can apply the enterprise in the course of marketing activity for receiving commercial or other effect. That is why for introduction of clusters it is necessary to estimate resource potentialities as far as position of resource security determines the sustainable development of an object (cluster). This, at first, gives the chance to estimate potential of each cluster separately, as well as their associations, and to consider the possibility of clusters introducing. Clustering allows using effectively existing resources and attracting additional ones which will influence on the innovative development of the enterprises, clusters, and branch as a whole. This development of marketing strategies and consecutive implementation of actions relative to the improvement of quality through the introduction of international standards and marketing ensuring activity of the enterprises (clusters) will lead to the competitiveness both on external and internal markets.

Keywords: Cluster; Milk Industry; Marketing; Sustainable Development; Competitiveness

JEL Classification: M31; L15; L23


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Received 31.05.2013