Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 43-36

Citation information:
Redkva, O. (2013). Conceptual model of the integrated subunit in the system of personnel management (by the example of the machine-building enterprises). Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 43-46.

Oksana Redkva
Post-Graduate Student,
Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University
56 Ruska St, Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine

Conceptual model of the integrated subunit in the system of personnel management (by the example of the machine-building enterprises)

Abstract. An author investigates the functions of personnel development in the frameworks of the corporate information and communication system, the value of an integrated unit at the formation of the system of personnel management. A conceptual model of bi-directional integration and scheme of the integrated corporate team in the area of personnel management at the enterprises of mechanical engineering are have been proposed.

Keywords: Human Resource Management; Integration; Model; Integrated Unit; the System of Personnel Management; Communication

JEL Classification: M12; M14


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Received 18.06.2013