Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 15-17
Citation information:
Krаmаrenkо, R. (2013). Activity of megapolises on the international level as a factor of globalization. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 15-17.
Ruslan Krаmаrenkо
PhD (Economics),
Associated Professor,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
Activity of megapolises on the international level as a factor of globalization
Abstract. Introduction. The capital metropolises for any country are not only a leading administrative and business centres, they are business card, the global socio-political and economic space. In the modern world of globalization is becoming more apparent substantial strengthening of the economic and political significance of the cities, the rapid increase of their role in the world economy and international relations. Results. The article considers the role of cities in the establishment of international relations based on the analysis of the processes of globalization and glocalization international relations. According to the one of existing concepts of globalization, the world economy is a multi-level system, the upper level of which is a network of world-class cities. In the context of global competitive leadership advantage of modern network organization of economic activity with flexible regional and sectoral configurations lead to the increasing role of large cities, which concentrate scientific and technological, financial and investment potential. Conclusion. Network activity leads to the evolution of modern economic systems, the development of non-market mechanisms of regulation and network organizational structures. This requires constant modification of urban governance mechanisms and appropriate advanced scientific and methodological support. Acceleration of economic development and consolidation of Ukraine’s international position now requires modern approach to the development of domestic big cities, especially metropolitan cities and a capital Kyiv city. Its goals and objectives are provided in the article.
Keywords: Metropolitan City; Globalization; International Relations; International Organizations; Glocalization
JEL Classification: F50; F59; H76; Z18
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Received 04.09.2013