Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 64-66

Citation information:
Strokovich, А. (2013). The principles of the enterprise interaction with suppliers and customers. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 64-66.

Аnna Strokovich
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
Chairman of Enterprise Economy Department,
Kharkiv Humanities University «People’s Ukrainian Academy»
27 Lermontovska St., Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine

The principles of the enterprise interaction with suppliers and customers

Abstract. Introduction. Under the conditions of most of raw materials and energy resources limitation and rising consumer demands, it is important, due to the market saturation, to define the principles of enterprises’ high-quality functioning. Purpose. To form the enterprise functioning process scheme on the basis of society value system and the enterprise’s principles of interaction with suppliers and customers. Methods. Analysis, generalization, structuring. Results. The definition of enterprise functioning was clarified; it is represented as a process of external and internal resources transformation by enterprise to meet the needs of a particular market segment and considering the existing constraints of the environmental, social and economic super-systems. The generalized scheme of enterprise’s functioning within society value system and the evaluation criteria for demand on this basis are suggested. The main principles of suppliers and customers interaction were determined as adequacy; innovativeness and environmental friendliness; objectiveness; reliability and alternativeness. It was proved that the main condition of the enterprise’s long life cycle is its adaptability, implemented on the basis of the domination; multi-vector regulation; consecutive enterprise life-sustaining activity quantization and self-regulation of structural units. Conclusions. The enterprise, suppliers and customers’ interaction principles utilization are the basis of the business functioning quality growth.

Keywords: Functioning; Adaptation; Interaction; Enterprises; Stakeholders; Suppliers; Customers

JEL Classification: B41; L19; L20; M21; M31


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Received 23.07.2013