Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 83-86

Citation information:
Fesenko, O. (2013). Ukrainian Eurointegration in the fisheries and aquaculture sector: variants, risks and advantages. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 83-86.

Oksana Fesenko
PhD (Economics),
Senior Scientific Researcher,
D.Sc. (Economics), Degree Seeker,
The Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research of the National Academy of Sciences
29 Frantsuzskiy Boulevard, Odessa, 65044, Ukraine

Ukrainian eurointegration in the fisheries and aquaculture sector: variants, risks and advantages

Abstract. The article deals with the European integration processes impact regarding Ukrainian fisheries and aquaculture sector. The primary aim of study is to determine effects from the EU integration and cooperation for this sector, to predict and to compare the key risks and advantages at different levels of integration from the perspective of Ukrainian national interests. New EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is shown as a main source of the economic, social and environmental sectoral impacts and its basic content is outlined. Two basic levels of integration are defined for the analysis: the first one is related with the neighborly relations between the EU and Ukraine and the second one – with deepening the integration relations via the association agreement. Taking into account different nature and different degree of impacts for the separate parts of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, contextual analysis was conducted for the fish resources protection and reproduction sub-sector, for the industrial fishery sub-sector and for the processing and marketing one. As a result, the systematization of potential advantages and risks for Ukrainian fisheries and aquaculture sector is made as author forecast assumptions. These assumptions were derived using up-to-date economic regularities of the international integration processes, by analogy and comparisons method. In addition, it is shown in what way effects and results vary at carrying out CFP according to the integration depth. The proposed assessments can be taken into account under the fisheries and aquaculture national strategizing process.

Keywords: Sectoral European Integration; the EU Common Fisheries Policy; the Fisheries And Aquaculture Sector; National Interests

JEL Classification: F15; Q22


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Received 29.08.2013