Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 91-94

Citation information:
Burlutskiy, S., & Burlutskaya, S. (2013). The social contract strategy: government – corporation – person. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 91-94.

Serhiy Burlutskiy
D.Sc. (Economics),
Donbass State Machine Engineering Academy
39 Mashinostroiteley Ave, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine

Svitlana Burlutskaya
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donbass State Machine Engineering Academy
39 Mashinostroiteley Ave, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine

The social contract strategy: government – corporation – person

Abstract. Introduction. The problem of social partnership as belonging to society is one of the sharpest for modern Ukraine. Social security is a consequence of realization of a basic right of belonging to society, the right of participation and inclusion in social and economic life. Purpose is to explore institutional procedures and structures of the social contract formation strategy directed on realization of the address principle of social benefit granting. Results. The achievement of sustained socio-economic development in the conditions of civil society formation and the social contract dominant becomes possible on the basis of the agreement development strategy usage between the government – corporation – person is proved in the article. The structure and the contents of institutional elements, which form the basis of the social contract, are defined. Conclusion. Offered strategy of the social contract formation realization will provide achievement of the maximum addressing of the social benefit. Efficiency of strategy in many respects is defined by obligatory stimulation of households offer system.

Keywords: Social Partnership; Welfare; Institutional Procedure; Social Policy; Social Contract; Social Benefit

JEL Classification: E69; H10; H53; H55; I38


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Received 12.08.2013