Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 7-10
Citation information:
Tranchenko, O. (2013). Agro-industrial complex competitiveness assessment. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 7-10.
Oleksandr Tranchenko
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Uman National University of Horticulture
1 Institutska St., Uman, 20305, Cherkasy Region, Ukraine
Agro-industrial complex competitiveness assessment
Abstract. In agricultural policy the formation of competitive market-oriented economic structures capable of the best use of the land and provide a stable food security of the state occupies an important place. Current trends of Ukraine’s socio-economic development predetermine the domestic focus of the economic thought on ways to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises, industries, regions, and the economy as a whole. Competitiveness is a general characteristic of businesses and agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to which estimation different concepts are used, but in spite of their diversity, all the researches are based on the fact that competitiveness is an aggregate of activities and must be systematic. This requires a holistic approach to sustainable production and business, economic, financial, organizational and administrative activity of agriculture.
The increased requirements for the effective functioning of sustainable agriculture as the foundation of the domestic industry demand development and implementation of more sophisticated approaches to the analysis and evaluation of the competitiveness. Today, the core competitiveness of agriculture should not be a temporary competitive advantages gained by enterprises on the basis of government support (tax breaks, high tariff barriers) or comparative advantages (cheap labour and raw materials), but to be sustainable competitive advantages, which are the result of sound economic policies at the level of single enterprise, aimed at ensuring the quality of used resources, and their resistance to external threats. Therefore, in the present conditions of economic instability the core competitiveness of agriculture industry and the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of economic stability is of particular relevance and importance.
Keywords: Competitiveness; Potential; Economic Stability; Agriculture; Agro-Industrial Complex; Government Regulation
JEL Classification: A11; M20; N50; O18; Q10
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Received 22.07.2013