Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 10-13
Citation information:
Varlamova, M. (2013). Investment and innovation attractiveness of agro-industrial processing industry. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 10-13.
Maria Varlamova
PhD Degree Seeker,
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
3 Soniachna St., 21008, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Investment and innovation attractiveness of agro-industrial processing industry
Abstract. The introduction represents the necessity for Vinnytsia region (Ukraine) being the agriculture region to re-equip the agroindustrial complex (AIC) processing companies through innovation activities. The innovation is not possible without financial support. This underlines the necessity of special conditions for investment promotion creating. The given case emphasizes the investment and innovation potential as well as its evaluation. The purpose of this article is analyzing of investment and innovation potential for AIC processing industry in Vinnytsia region. Results. The course of the study defined the investment potential of AIC processing industry, as well as offered its evaluation procedure based on the key factorial design. The limits of the study allowed analyzing the investment & innovation potential for AIC processing industry. Conclusion. The financial support of processing companies’ innovation activities in Vinnytsia region was determined as attractive. Proposed by the author method of investment potential for innovation evaluation provides accurate information for investors on the actual state of processing companies, as well as allowing them to choose the strategic investment direction.
Keywords: Investment and Innovation Potential; AIC; Processing Industry; Innovative Activity; Evaluation
JEL Classification: E22
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Received 07.09.2013