Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 25-28

Citation information:
Abdulkhairova, E. (2013). The strategy of agrarian labour market formation in Ukraine under globalization conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 25-28.

Elzara Abdulkhairova
Post-Graduate Student,
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University
8 Uchebnyi lane, Simferopol, 95015, Crimea, Ukraine

The strategy of agrarian labour market formation in Ukraine under globalization conditions

Abstract. In this paper the strategy of effective labor functioning mechanisms is examined. This strategy considers both weak and strong points of the agrarian labor market. The strategy of formation and effective functioning of the labor market in agricultural sector of economics is regarded as a complex plan of actions which includes various interrelated stages characterizing its directions and peculiarities of its formation and implementation under globalization conditions. Taking into consideration peculiarities of agrarian labor market, the functioning parameters that affect the formation and functioning of the agrarian labor market have been investigated and defined. Elaboration of directions and measures of the agrarian labor market functioning strategy formation and realization has been suggested.

Keywords: Strategy; Agricultural Labor Market; Efficiency; Globalization

JEL Classification: J43; O13


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Received 30.08.2013