Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 33-36
Citation information:
Maxym, V. (2013). The economic-mathematical model of the agricultural enterprises’ investment resources management. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 33-36.
Volodymyr Maxym
PhD Student,
Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytskyi
50 Pekarska St., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine
The economic-mathematical model of the agricultural enterprises’ investment resources management
Abstract. Introduction. Improvement of economic efficiency at the hog production enterprises demands immense providing of intensive and resource sufficient technologies implementation through effective and profit-oriented investment management. However, the investment resources management optimization on the basis of the economic-mathematical models creation remains not researched, in particular, for the production of pork. The purpose of this article is to determine the optimal schemes of investment management in the development of enterprises for the production of pork, and increase economic efficiency of their functioning by using of economic and mathematical modeling. Methods. Investment activity of the pork production enterprises is investigated by usage the method of economic modeling.
Results. Relationships between the proposed technological projects and the conditions of their impact on economic efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities have been defined in the research. On the basis of economic-mathematical model of the optimum scheme of investment projects realization, it has been assessed that the highest economic effect in the form of additional revenues for 7 years could be received. The proposed model of the investment resources management implementation will increase the profits of the enterprises in 2.4 times by the end of the period. The investment payback period as a result of the technological projects effective implementation will decrease to 3 years.
Conclusion. Application of economic-mathematical modeling in order to search and study of optimal investing schemes is a powerful means in the context of economic efficiency increase in production and sales of pork at agricultural enterprises.
Keywords: Economic-Mathematical Model; Economic Efficiency; Agricultural Enterprise; Investment Project
JEL Classification: C61; M21; Q12; Q14
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Received 03.08.2013