Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 41-44

Citation information:
Zhabynets, O. (2013). Financial and legal prerequisites of insurance market formation in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 41-44.

Olga Zhabynets
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv State University Internal Affairs
26 Horodocka St., Lviv, 79007, Ukraine

Financial and legal prerequisites of insurance market formation in Ukraine

Abstract. Today in Ukraine published many scientific articles and monographs related to insurance, its problems in different directions and its prospects of development. However, there are almost no researches related to the retrospective analysis of the formation conditions of the modern insurance market. In particular, the period of insurance in Ukraine during 1988-1991 (transitional period, or period of demonopolization of insurance system), which has laid the foundation for a formation of the national insurance market, is highlighted quite fragmentary and intermittently. The author considers that awareness (understanding and disclosure) of mechanism of the industry transformation during a state system changes is necessary to distance in time. From this view, the disclosure of the problem is carried in terms of the present and after more than 20 years of insurance functioning in independent Ukraine. In this article, the period of demonopolization of insurance in Ukraine in 1988-1991 is analyzed in detail, including key financial indicators of the insurance business development (insurance share in GDP, the level of payments, etc.), legal provision of insurance and a comparative analysis of insurance business in Ukraine and in the most developed countries of the world (Japan and the U.S.) in 1989 are made. Also, the author has conducted a thorough study of state insurance companies’ transformations (Ukrderzhstrakh and Inderzhstrakh of the USSR) and the result of their transformations – appearance of the first commercial insurance companies in Ukraine. In the article the financial and legal prerequisites and transformational period conversion monopolization of insurance in Ukraine are investigated, which laid the foundations for the formation of the national insurance market.

Keywords: Demonopolization; Insurance; Financial and Legal Prerequisites; Transformational Changes; National Insurance Market

JEL Classification: G22; P34


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Received 17.06.2013