Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 134, Issue 9-10(2), Pages: 45-48

Citation information:
Zveryakov, O. (2013). Asymmetry of information and its influence on providing of bank’s activity financial stability. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(2), 45-48.

Оleksandr Zveryakov
PhD Degree Seeker,
Odesa National Economic University;
Executive Governor,
Odesa Branch of the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine
8 Preobrazhenska St., Odesa, 65026, Ukraine

Asymmetry of information and its influence on providing of bank’s activity financial stability

Abstract. Introduction. In conditions of post-crisis period, one of the basic problems standing before the domestic banking system is support on a due level of its financial firmness. Disorders on financial markets, because of asymmetries of information, can result in the origin of imbalances of money flows motion, and to result the same in the slump of investments and economic activity. In the noted situation banks appear incapable to fully carry out the role of financial mediators.

Results. Basic problems, related to asymmetry of information, are investigated in the article. Its influence on bank’s activity financial stability providing is substantiated. International standards are analysed in relation to financial stability report forming. The complex approach is offered to providing of the bank’s activity anti-crisis financial stability on the basis of «CCC Framework» method, applied by the IMF. The practical output of the presented research is contained in forming of information package which should be represented in the report on financial stability.

Conclusion. Unfold financial stability report should have prognostic character. Namely, in the part of general estimation it is necessary to represent risks forecast. Each tool used for reports forming should include stress-testing mechanism. Improvement of financial stability scheme’s blocks will allow undermining the asymmetry of information in banking sector in evaluation of its anti-crisis firmness which is an important issue in the national financial policy.

Keywords: Bank Activity; Banking System; Asymmetry of Information; Financial Stability

JEL Classification: G20; G21


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Received 23.08.2013