Global neo-convergence of transitive and transformative socio-economic systems

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 3-7

Citation information:
Bilorus, O. (2013). Global neo-convergence of transitive and transformative socio-economic systems. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 3-7.

Oleg Bilorus
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of Department of Globalization, Geopolitics and Geo-economics,
Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the NAS
5 Leontovycha St., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine

Global neo-convergence of transitive and transformative socio-economic systems

Abstract. At the new phase of globalization with an increase in the breadth and depth of global integration significantly strengthens the process of neo-convergence of transitive and avant-garde transformative countries which have market-based, but different in the technical and economic level of development and competitiveness socio-economic systems. This complicates interaction and synergistic effects of global co-development. The author proves that all countries: the rich and the poor, over-developed and developing move towards a single global economy, a single global formational-economic system – a World-system of globalizm. Survival and competitive co-development of transitive countries in the World-system of globalizm is directly dependent on success of these countries in competitive dynamic neo-convergence. For transitive countries, neo-convergence with avant-garde countries becomes imperative and is the objective law of co-development and interaction. Only after successful neo-convergence transitive countries can become the subjects and not the objects of geo-economics. The author concludes that the new socio-economic convergence is the most important pattern of globalization and the global economy. Global law of neo-convergence is objective law that affects efficiency of the future global economy.

Keywords: Convergence; Neo-Convergence; Socio-Economic System; Global Integration; Global Competition; World-System of Globalizm

JEL Classification: F01; P27


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Received 18.09.2013