Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 8-11
Citation information:
Ilienko, O. (2013). Concept of international economic security formation based on the system of international marketing. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 8-11.
Oksana Ilienko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Dean of Faculty Management and Logistic,
National Aviation University
1 Kosmonavta Komarova Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
Concept of international economic security formation based on the system of international marketing
Abstract. The theory of international economic security should directly consider inertia problems, which occur in international business area through the use of instruments of international marketing, both on theoretical and applied levels.
The purpose of this research is to establish the conceptual scheme of international economic security, which is based on principles of international marketing as the basis for modern business processes establishment areas in the world economy in crisis conditions.
When discussing the features of the competitiveness growth ensuring of international business entities (at the level of individual enterprises, their associations, and at the level of individual countries and globalization associations) with maximum ensuring of international economic security, certain results from such fields of knowledge as general economics, economic theory, sociology of organizations, educational psychology are used, which allows to explain connection between the theory of international economic security and the concept of international marketing.
When developing international marketing, it is necessary to take into account a principle of innovative development. Based on analysis of modern approaches to establishment of international economic security concept, model of modern international marketing and multi-level mechanism of international business processes management in conditions of globalized economy, it was found that in conditions of crisis economy there is a complication of international business procedures.
Given scheme of «international economic security» and «international marketing» system interrelation provides an opportunity to consider it as an independent scientific direction, established in conditions of the world economy globalization processes intensification, based on the following international marketing principles.
Keywords: International Economic Security; International Marketing; Risks, Globalization
JEL Classification: E17; E19; F01; F15; M31
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Received 22.09.2013