Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 42-45

Citation information:
Vakhovych, I., Volynchuk, Y., & Malimon, V. (2013). Development of regional medical tourism markets in Ukraine based on innovation principles. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 42-45.

Iryna Vakhovych
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of Financial Department,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska St., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine

Yuliya Volynchuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska St., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine

Viktoriya Malimon
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska St., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine

Development of regional medical tourism markets in Ukraine based on innovation principles

Abstract. It is stated in the article that the development of regional medical tourism markets in Ukraine should be based on innovation principles. The types and meaning of innovation technologies according to the medical services provision to tourists (tourist attraction, tourist services, provision of medical services and additional tourist services) have been studied. The characteristic of creation and marketing processes features of medical innovations at regional medical tourism markets were determined. The stages and participants of these processes were selected, which form the support system for the innovation creation.

Keywords: Innovation Technologies; Region; Medical Tourism; Services; Regional Market

JEL Classification: R58; L83; O32


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Received 09.10.2013