Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 46-49

Citation information:
Blagun, I., & Ilchuk, P. (2013). Impact of external factors on enterprises marketing strategy internationalization. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 46-49.

Ivan Blagun
D.Sc. (Economics),
Carpathian National V. Stefanyk University
57 Shevchenko St., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine

Pavlo Ilchuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National University Lviv Polytechnic
12 Stepan Bandera St., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine

Impact of external factors on enterprises marketing strategy internationalization

Abstract. Introduction. Consideration of external factors is crucial for enterprise strategic management under pressure of internationalization of overseas markets external factors. Indeed, the enterprise can minimize or reverse the direction of the internal factors impact. But the enterprise, actually, has no impact on external factors and can only minimize their negative impact if they are timely detected, identified and effective preventive and reactive measures are applied directly. Purpose. The main objective is to determine the influence of external factors on the formation of international marketing strategy and the character and impact of all types of measures implemented as parts of this strategy. Results. The external factors which have influence on the international marketing strategy should be ranked as follows: factors reflecting the characteristics of economic activity (related to the level of internationalization of economic activity, intensity of competition, phase of the product lifecycle, type of consumer, characteristics of product, consumer demand, profitability level of economic activity, legislative level and regulatory impact); compliance characteristics of foreign and domestic markets; access to foreign markets and business risk, but extent of their influence on strategic measures, as defined, can be stimulating, neutral or restraining. Conclusion. Development of a comprehensive classification of factors influencing the measures of international marketing strategy will improve the efficiency of evaluation and consideration of the external environment of the enterprise and will enhance the strategic development of enterprises in the internationalization.

Keywords: Internationalization; International Marketing Strategy; External Influence; Factors

JEL Classification: F23; L10; М31


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Received 09.10.2013