Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 54-57
Citation information:
Kalynychenko, M. (2013). Harmonization of social and labor relations in the marketing management system of an enterprise. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 54-57.
Maksym Kalynychenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donetsk National University
24 Universytetska St., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine
Harmonization of social and labor relations in the marketing management system of an enterprise
Abstract. Market orientation within the marketing approach to manufacturing management is provided by the alignment and balancing of economic interests of stakeholders including interest between employees and employer. Harmonization of the economic interests of all market participants with which it interacts on resource sharing is a one of the priority objectives of marketing management.
The theoretical and methodological, scientific and methodological basis of the social and labour relations harmony at the industrial level within the marketing approach to manufacturing management is developed. Conceptual bases of the social and labour relations harmony at the industrial level are proved; effective guidelines and instruments of its guaranteeing are defined.
Harmony of social and labour relations is seen by us as a measure of socio-economic relations relevant subjects, reflecting consistency, balance and absence of conflict in economic interests and satisfaction of basic needs of the labour force. The using a number of indicators to assess the level of social and labour relations harmony at the industrial level is offered.
The entropy was calculated to analyze the achieved level of harmony conditional system of social and labour relations at the industrial enterprise. It showed that the system tends to be more orderly and that in this system occurring productive processes.
The integral index of system «employer – employee» harmony was calculated by the results of the social audit, sociological research and expert opinions. The values of these parameters can be rated and management of the harmonizing by the system of planned indicators is possible.
The methodology of industrial relations harmonization is a set of interrelated methods, models, techniques, mechanisms and instruments that provide a complex assessment of harmony and determine the vector of its guaranteeing.
Keywords: Marketing Management; Industrial Enterprise; Harmony; Labor Relations
JEL Classification: D51; J50; J53; M31
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Received 13.10.2013