Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 62-65

Citation information:
Kafková, E., Hudák, I., & Bričová, Z. (2013). Technical efficiency of small and medium sized enterprises in machinery sector of the Slovak Republic. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 62-65.

Eva Kafková
D.Sc. (Engineering),
PhD (Engineering),
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Business Economy located in Kosice,
University of Economics in Bratislava
13 Tajovskeho St., Kosice, 041 30, Slovak Republic

Igor Hudák
PhD (Engineering),
Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Business Economy located in Kosice,
University of Economics in Bratislava
13 Tajovskeho St., Kosice, 041 30, Slovak Republic

Zuzana Bričová
Mgr. (Engineering),
Faculty of Business Economy located in Kosice,
University of Economics in Bratislava
13 Tajovskeho St., Kosice, 041 30, Slovak Republic

Technical efficiency of small and medium sized enterprises in machinery sector of the Slovak Republic

Abstract. The main aim of this paper is to determine the effectiveness of the surveyed enterprises by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models and formulate concrete recommendations for the studied small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the machinery sector.

We chose SME as object for investigation according to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. The object for investigation is chosen, because the machinery sector has in the development of the Slovak economy key role – employing the highest number of workers, creating a substantial part of GDP, and its products constitute the largest share of exports. According to SK NACE Rev. 2, we focus on the engineering industry, especially on the category number 28 – Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment.

Keywords: Enterprises Efficiency; Economic Performance; DEA Models; Engineering Enterprises

JEL Classification: C14


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Received 10.10.2013