Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 135, Issue 11-12(1), Pages: 78-81

Citation information:
Farafonova, N. (2013). Features of agricultural enterprises marketing potential forming. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(1), 78-81.

Natalia Farafonova
PhD (Economics),
Head of the Department of Finance,
Zhytomyr Branch of the Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology
2 Comertsiyna St., Zhytomyr, 10029, Ukraine

Features of agricultural enterprises marketing potential forming

Abstract. Introduction. Effective marketing policy of agricultural enterprises involves optimization sales through continuous monitoring of the market environment and competitors’ product range of goods and services, including consumer demand; compliance of «price-quality» ratio. To do this, it is required to create a powerful marketing potential that can provide business activity, stability, competitiveness and efficiency work of the agricultural enterprises.

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to study peculiarities of the agricultural enterprises marketing potential in conditions of the external market environment dynamic change. In the study the methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, system, dialectical and graphics are used.

Results. The marketing potential is a collection of resources and capabilities to ensure the readiness and ability of companies to output product on the market, as well as this product implementation and improvement according to the tastes and preferences of consumers. Powerfully formed marketing potential of the company determines presence of competitive business advantages. In the imperfect and inefficient agricultural market and price disparity, agricultural enterprises need creative approach to the marketing potential formation, and to form its relations with financial, information, innovation, investment and employment potential. The marketing potential of the agricultural enterprises formation depends on a number of features that are caused by specific agricultural production and agricultural products. In addition, in unstable environment it is required to track accurately changes in legislation and legal framework, market opportunities, socio-economic environment, tax policies that directly and indirectly influence the marketing potential formation. Conclusion. While forming the marketing potential, its place should be considered in the overall potential of the company, as well as the interdependence and interrelation with other potentials. The impact of factors that positively or negatively influence the marketing potential formation should also be taken into account. The author found that financial constraints, poor state of logistics, lack of innovation, and inadequacy of marketing service staff, imperfect information management and risks associated with marketing activities negatively affect the efficient marketing potential of agricultural enterprises formation. Therefore, to improve the quality of agricultural products, the demand for it, to reduce risks, improve financial and operational performance, strengthening market position and competitiveness of agricultural producers in the current market conditions, required a balanced approach to the process of the agricultural enterprises marketing potential forming.

Keywords: Marketing; Marketing Potential; Agricultural Enterprises; External Environment; Internal Factors

JEL Classification: М29; Q13


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Received 17.10.2013