Conceptual problems of the Ukraine’s economic system post-socialist transformation identifying

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 3-6
Citation information:
Cherlenyak, І., & Kurey, O. (2013). Conceptual problems of the Ukraine’s economic system post-socialist transformation identifying. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 3-6.

Ivan Cherlenyak
D.Sc. (Public Administration),
Senior Researcher,
Uzhhorod National University
3 Narodna Sq., Uzhhorod, 88000, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine

Oksana Kurey
Senior Lecturer,
Uzhhorod National University
3 Narodna Sq., Uzhhorod, 88000, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine

Conceptual problems of the Ukraine’s economic system post-socialist transformation identifying

Abstract. Introduction. The relevance of economic transformation research is determined by the needs of the target formation of the future economic system that meets the highest level of technological efficiency, the efficiency of resources usage and social efficiency. The practical significance of these studies is achieved when they are aimed at finding the best way to reach the effective condition of the «planned» economic system.

The purpose of the article is systemic analysis of the current static component of the national economy and vector dynamics of the economic system that will identify the processes of economic and socio-economic change in terms of the economic transitology concept and work out the proposals to determine their attitudes in compliance with current macroeconomic concepts.

Results. Based on the analysis, the authors conclude that despite the existing approaches to the definition of the nature and explanation of the causes and trends in the transformation process of economies, the economic system of Ukraine at this stage should be classified as hyper mixed.

Conclusion. Economic transition in Ukraine degenerated into conversion that involves no movement to the target. Only the change of information about the real condition of the economy and its needs is included. From the perspective of modernization theory, the actual economic system of Ukraine exists in transit conversion with no vector dynamics of past reversible type, which means that the economy is cyclically rotating by targets of the constructive transition.

Keywords: Economic Transformation; Economic System; Transition Economies; Transformation Concept

JEL Classification: O10; P20; P21


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Received 12.09.2013