Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 7-10
Citation information:
Tur, O., & Mamchuk, I. (2013). Ecological-economic optimization of Ukraine’s economy development. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 7-10.
Olexandr Tur
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Sumy State University
2 Rymsky-Korsakov St., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine
Iryna Mamchuk
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Sumy State University
2 Rymsky-Korsakov St., 40007, Sumy, Ukraine
Ecological-economic optimization of Ukraine’s economy development
Abstract. Introduction. The practical activity has shown that the macroeconomic problems of environmental management, such as the natural processes disturbances of the ecosystem objects reproduction; the growth of the level of environmental pollution and the increase of regulatory levels, depletion of natural resources, bio- and landscape diversity, are deepening from year to year. One of the reasons for this is inefficient consumption of manufacturing and natural resources.
Purpose. On the basis of the necessity to solve the macroeconomic problems of the natural resource management, methodological approaches to the construction of inter-sector ecological-economic model which allows determining the most efficient acceptable ratio between anthropogenic pressure on the environment and economic growth are to be expanded in the article.
Methods. The inter-sector ecological-economic model is built using linear programming tools and basing on a number of assumptions regarding regularities of the natural and production resources consumption, assimilatory potential, as well as basic needs for obtaining maximum economic benefit has been proposed.
Results. Calculations were made using inter-sector ecological-economic model, which allowed to reveal that the allocation of fixed production, material and natural resources between sectors of the Ukrainian economy is unsustainable and lead to excessive consumption and, as a result, an increase of anthropogenic load on the environment, and hence, reduces the ability of the Ukrainian economy to generate large gross economic profit. The calculated data revealed the trends to reduction the overall direction of material-, energy- and capital intensity of the national economy through the implementation of structural changes that allow receiving more gross economic profit.
Conclusion. Consequently, the usage of inter-sector ecological-economic model in practice makes it possible to conduct an effective inter-sector analysis of the economic goods proportions production, consumption of manufacturing and natural resources, and, as a result, to find ways to improve the efficiency of the national economy development.
Keywords: National Economy; Ecologically Oriented Development; Inter-Sectors Ecological And Economic Model; Natural Resources Consumption
JEL Classification: С61; О13; О52; Р24
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Received 04.10.2013