Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 11-14

Citation information:
Shkolnyi, О., & Poberezhets, N. (2013). Development of relations between Ukraine and the European union at the oilseeds market. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 11-14.

Оleksandr Shkolnyi
D.Sc. (Economics),
Head of the International Economic Management Department,
Uman National University of Horticulture
1 Instytutska St., Uman, 20305, Cherkasy region, Ukraine

Natalia Poberezhets
Post-Graduate Student,
Uman National University of Horticulture
1 Instytutska St., Uman, 20305, Cherkasy region, Ukraine

Development of relations between Ukraine and the European Union at the oilseeds market

Abstract. Active integration into the international trade is very important to develop national economy. Policies of the EU countries and Ukraine towards the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Ukraine will help members of oilseeds market to provide new prospects of development for this industry.

The authors have analyzed collaboration between Ukraine and the EU countries in agrarian sphere. The study has shown the advantages and the failings for the producers of oilseeds within the framework of the European Union Association Agreement. And the study has revealed that Ukraine is an important partner of the EU countries at the markets of sunflower seeds, soybeans and rapeseeds.

Ukraine’s way to the European integration was successful and purposeful. Ukraine is the priority partner of the EU within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy. From the moment of Ukraine’s independence, the development of economic relations between the EU and Ukraine has a positive dynamics, particular in the agrarian sphere. In the EU countries oilseeds have a wide application. They are used as food products, feeding stuffs, for biodiesel production and other industrial purposes.

To improve trade relations between Ukraine and the EU countries, the authors regard necessary to diminish bureaucratize and long custom procedures, to decrease export and import duties on some types of products. It is important to increase a part of high-quality products and to develop modern information system as for agriculture markets in Ukraine.

Keywords: European Union; Ukraine; Oilseeds Market; European Integration

JEL Classification: F15; Q13


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Received 02.10.2013