Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 19-21

Citation information:
Belosvet, O. (2013). Intervention price regulation in the market of milk and dairy products in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 19-21.

Olexandr Belosvet
PhD Student,
Kharkiv National University of Economics
9 Lenin Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

Intervention price regulation in the market of milk and dairy products in Ukraine

Abstract. In this article the main issues related to the functioning of the milk and dairy products sector have been carefully researched. The author identified tendency in the state purchases of milk and milk products. A comparative analysis with other industries was conducted. The author argues that the main problem of milk and dairy products production is unfavorable conditions in the domestic market. The main purpose of this article is to study the characteristics of public procurement and pricing limit formation. A comparative analysis of average market prices in Ukraine and the EU was made. The author examined methodological features of the maximum and minimum intervention prices assessing and has calculated a rational restrictions level on butter pricing in Ukraine. The author proposes to increase the maximum price intervention to 48 394.17 UAH/t to reach the desired level of prices for butter.

Keywords: Public Procurement; Intervention Price; Milk; Butter; Dairy Products; Government Regulation

JEL Classification: L50; L51; L66


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Received 19.092013