Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 30-32

Citation information:
Bodak, I. (2013). Methodological approach to the assessment of region’s food security level. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 30-32.

Ivanna Bodak
Post-Graduate Student,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska St., Lutsk, 43018, Volyn region, Ukraine

Methodological approach to the assessment of region’s food security level

Abstract. Nowadays there are exist numerous methods for assessment of state of food security, the widest use of these evaluation techniques gained methodologies that explore food security at the national level. Regional level of food security is not examined, because number of methods for concluding complex research of food security at regional level is insufficient. Providing only research of national food security does not fully describe the state of food security of the population of all regions in the country, there always exist territories that prosper and regions that need help in providing people with necessary level of food-stuffs. Therefore, we need to identify gaps and challenges of this concept in the context of some territories. Our goal is to develop such a methodology that will characterize food security from different sides, not only as providing people with sufficient quantities of food, but also as including economically affordable and high-quality food. Our methodological approach to the assessment of region’s food security will allow exploring the food situation at each region of the country, taking into consideration the economic, social and environmental aspects of food security. In the article detailed analysis of every aspect (market, social, ecological) of food security is conducted and certain criteria for these aspects research are defined. Under the market aspect of food security we understand such state of food market, at which the market is able to provide a stable supply of products at any given time necessary for livelihood. At the center of social aspect of food security is the ability to purchase the necessary food for all segments of the population. Ecological aspect is responsible to ensure the quality and safety of food. The research of all aspects of food security allows implementing complex analysis of the country’s and its regions food security.

Keywords: Food; Food Security; Region; Economic Aspect; Social Aspect; Ecological Aspect

JEL Classification: E20; H56; I31


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Received 01.10.2013