Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 56-59
Citation information:
Prodan, I. (2013). Theoretical preconditions of innovation paradigm formation in HR management. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 56-59.
Iryna Prodan
PhD Student,
Ternopil National Economic University
11 Lvivska St., Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine
Theoretical preconditions of innovation paradigm formation in HR management
Abstract. Introduction. The global market today is characterized by such features as complexity, changeability and uncertainty. A great variety of rapidly changing technologies require from modern employees to improve themselves continuously, and keep their knowledge up to date in order to overcome the challenges. Nowadays, organizations to be successful should become more flexible, tough and sensitive to changes; they have to be focused on the consumer. Therefore, innovativeness is the essential component in the HR system, and the process of managing is largely identical to the innovation process.
Purpose. The aim of the article is to investigate the theoretical preconditions of innovation paradigm in human resource management; to develop the classification of factors, influencing the HR; to study the nature of the factors’ influence.
Results. The analysis of main theories allowed the author to find out, that innovative development of an enterprise provides the increasing of its cost-effectiveness and competitiveness through the creation and implementation of innovations, particularly in HR management. The basic approaches to defining the essence of economic category of «innovation» are represented in the paper. The classification of factors influencing HR is developed by the author; the nature of their influence has been explained.
Conclusion. The accumulation of the innovative potential of personnel is vital for the functioning of an enterprise in current economic environment that are characterized by complexity of economic processes, continuous changes and conflicts. Nowadays the innovative organizational model of HRM is of great relevance. It provides the employees with high level of autonomy in decision-making and encourages them to generate new ideas. If the leadership will take into account the level of the HR factors’ influence and make appropriate decisions in time, then it will be able to: select the best approach, concept, general principles and strategies of HRM in accordance with the conditions of the enterprises functioning; assess the current status of HR in terms of its adequacy to the macro- and microenvironment; define vectors of changes of the current HR system in accordance with changes of certain factors.
Keywords: Human Resources Management; Innovation; Innovation Paradigm; Innovative Development; Innovative Activity; Factors of Influence
JEL Classification: M12; O31
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Received 10.10.2013