Mechanism of trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support forming

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 60-63

Citation information:
Alekseev, S. (2013). Mechanism of trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support forming. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 60-63.

Sergey Alekseev
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after Mykhayilo Tugan-Baranovsky
31 Shchors St., Donetsk, 83050, Ukraine

Mechanism of trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support forming

Abstract. A subsystem of the informational support is component part of the strategic potential control system of a trade enterprise. The separation of the informational support subsystem stipulates effective management of any processes on a trade enterprise. Effective usage of informational resources is condition for analysis and adoption of administrative decisions on the modern stage of development. The purpose of the article is to research existent approaches to the trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support system creation, and to suggest theoretical bases of such mechanism forming on the trade enterprise.

Determination of strategic information as aggregate of information about the changes of external and internal strategic potential of the trade enterprise, which is a base for control, analysis and adoption of managerial decisions in relation to forming and usage of strategic potential, is given in the article. The trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support is determined as the process of conditions forming for satisfaction managers needs in information about changes taken place in external and internal potential, necessary for effective strategic management realization and set goals achievement.

A mechanism of the trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support has been proposed, which includes the system of elements connecting with each other, must be an instrument for effective managerial decisions concerning strategic potential on the basis of search, receipt, storage, accumulation, transmission and treatment of strategic information, namely: aims, task, requirements, functions, principles, structure, methodology.

In the article the essence of mechanism’s elements is revealed, and the trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support is revealed. The structure of the offered trade enterprise’s strategic potential management informational support system should contain of the information providing for strategic supervision; information providing for analysis of external and internal strategic potential of enterprise and accordance of goals to strategic potential; information providing for strategic potential forming and usage; information providing for control of the strategic potential applying level and the level of the trade enterprise’s strategic goals achievement.

Keywords: Strategic Potential; Management; Strategic Information; Informational Support; Mechanism

JEL Classification: M20; M29


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Received 08.10.2013