Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 137, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 38-41

Citation information:
Cibáková, V., & Čihovská, V. (2014). Marketing concept opens up possibilities for profit and non-profit sectors partnership. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 38-41.

Viera Cibakova
PhD (Economics),
Professor in the Department of Marketing,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava
16 Furdekova St., Bratislava 5, 851 04, Slovak Republic

Viera Cihovska
PhD (Economics),
Professor in the Department of Management,
Vice Rector for Science and Research,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava
6 Furdekova St., Bratislava 5, 851 04, Slovak Republic

Marketing concept opens up possibilities for profit and non-profit sectors partnership

Abstract. The contribution examines and analyses modern approaches of a marketing concept for the effective cooperation between profit and non-profit sectors, which helps carry out socially desirable activities and encourage socially responsible behaviour of companies. More and more companies realise the usefulness of so-called «social entrepreneurship», a partnership, based on interconnection of profit and non-profit sectors, and on the initiation of long-term partnerships of business entities and non-profit organisations upon carrying out socially desirable activities. Incorporation of socially focused activities into the key marketing strategies of companies and development of strong and active relationships with the third sector subjects help profit organisations to increase brand value, carry out innovative programmes as well as optimise profit on the one hand, and enable non-profit organisations to gain means for their meritorious activities on the other hand. Modern methods of marketing, presented in the article, enable great potential for enforcing of socially desirable behaviour of companies and addresses consumers, who care about better living conditions and certainties of the civilisation.

Keywords: Marketing; Profit and Non-Profit Sector; Partnership Relations Marketing; Social Marketing; Fundraising

JEL Classification: M31; M38


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Received 06.11.2013