Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 137, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 42-45
Citation information:
Yaskova, N., & Matveeva, M. (2014). Innovative focus of the investment activity within the modernization of the national economy. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 42-45.
Natalia Yaskova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
26 Yaroslavsky Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russia
Maria Matveeva
PhD (Economics),
Irkutsk State Technical University
83 Lermontov St., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia
Innovative focus of the investment activity within the modernization of the national economy
Abstract. The basis of economy evolution is the wave nature of its subsystems. This provides for considering a macroeconomic system as a stream of life cycles. The innovative orientation of modern investments quickly transforms from a kind of economic exoticism into the normal and intrinsic feature of the driving forces of modern development. To answer this question, first we’ll examine the conditions in which modern investment cycles originate, unfold and fade away. Russian economic system, as well as the global one, remains a source of uncertainty generated by tectonic changes in the structure of social needs. State protectionism covered all six main directions of activities in the sphere of sustainable development of the integrated cross-sectoral investment and construction project on preparation and holding of the Olympic Games in 2014. The beginning of the third millennium heralded the necessity of faster modernization of national economy. Russian society should created a new window of opportunity for the country’s modernization using also social mechanisms like «social lift» that would be able to form and produce any competences. The last are have to be the basis for the right way of national economy modernization.
The most significant characteristic of modern development is the necessity of introduction of changes into the direction and parameters of investment cycles. They shall take into consideration the influence of innovation expectations of the society being in the forming stage, as well as the unfavourable conditions of future development. The existing situation shall require generation of the meanings of development as the new competence. The need for introduction of changes into the direction and parameters of the investment cycles is the most important characteristic of the modern development. There need to be taken into account the impact of the emerging innovative expectations of the society, as well as unfavourable conditions for future development. The existing situation will be required by the generation of the development meanings, as the new competence.
Keywords: Modernization; Sustainable Development; Investment Cycles; Innovations; Technological Mode; Eco Standards; Crises; Real Estate; Living Standards; Business Format; Strategic Focus; Development Driving Factor; Protectionism
JEL Classification: E62; H68
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Received 08.11.2013