Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 137, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 78-80

Citation information:
Basantsov, I. (2014). Ukrainian system of state financial control modernization. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 78-80.

Igor Basantsov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Sumy State University
2 Rimsky-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

Ukrainian system of state financial control modernization

Abstract. In the article a system of state financial control (SFC) was analyzed, in particular its main points, role, functions, representations of efficiency and productivity. It is argued that the existing institution of the state financial control appears to be a number of constitutionally not vested separate state controlling units (except the Chamber of Accounts of Ukraine) that act on the basis of the departmental legal texts, without neither clear legislative demarcation of authority fields and appropriate interaction, nor a single organizational and coordinating center.

The organizational formation foundations of the conceptual preconditions for the organization of the representative control system, defining its constitutionally vested superior body, as well as its territorial structural divisions, are developed. The representative control system is proved to have the centralized management, to integrate the external and internal controls, to provide the coordination of all controlling units’ activity (with distinct demarcation of their functions and authority), to be formed on common legal principles and instruments of its functioning.

Changes in SFC methods and forms after changing SFC patterns are scientifically substantiated. Necessity of a control activity modernization in the state is proved and creation an independent representative control system of Ukraine is suggested.

Keywords: State Financial Control; State Audit; Independent Representative Control; Superior Body of SFC

JEL Classification: E63; E69; G28; H61; H72


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Received 28.11.2013