Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 138, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 4-7
Citation information:
Moskalenko, O. (2014). The advanced development and conceptual bases of the modern state’s economic policy. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 4-7.
Oleksandra Moskalenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Doctoral Student,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
The advanced development and conceptual bases of the modern state’s economic policy
Abstract. Introduction. With the growth of uneven economic development in the world economy, governments of countries, with a lower level of economic development, realize the urgent need in transition to a new model of economic development. They require the breakthrough model, the model of competitive economy that would ensure accelerated economic growth and qualitative economic development. Such kind of model is the model of advanced economic development.
Purpose. I substantiate the profound philosophical meaning and essence of the advanced development as an institutional form of the modern economic development.
Methods. I use the method of institutional theory in researching the conceptual bases of economic policy for modern state on its direction of effecting on business actions, motivation system, development of sciences and education, rational consumption, civil society etc.
Results. The subject of research is the advanced economic development as the philosophy of the modern state’s economic policy in searching of ways for ensuring a balanced self-development, the formation and consolidation of innovative competitive advantages for creating a state’s «margin of dominance» in the world economy. I proved the practical significance and essentiality of advanced economic development, offered the qualitative indicators of its analysis, such as outperforming development of state authority and macroeconomic management, advancing human development, outstripping development of civil society etc.
Conclusions. Results of the research supplement the theory of economic development, promote the expansion of predictive tools and implementation of positive function of the modern economic theory. And also results of the research can be used to develop long-term development strategies by countries’ governments with transformative economy.
Keywords: Advanced Economic Development; Economic Policy; Institutions; Economic Invariants; State Governing
JEL Classification: B15; B40; O11; O31; O43; P00
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Received 19.11.2013