Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 138, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 8-11

Citation information:
Onishchenko, S., Matkovskyi, A., & Puhach, O. (2014). Analysis of threats to economic security of Ukraine in conditions of innovative economic development. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 8-11.

Svitlana Onishchenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Poltava National Technical University named after Yurii Kondratiuk
24 Pershotravnevyi Ave, Poltava, 36601, Ukraine

Andrеу Matkovskyi
PhD Seeker,
Poltava National Technical University named after Yurii Kondratiuk
24 Pershotravnevyi Ave, Poltava, 36601, Ukraine

Alexandra Puhach
Post-Graduate Student,
Poltava National Technical University named after Yurii Kondratiuk
24 Pershotravnevyi Ave, Poltava, 36601, Ukraine

Analysis of threats to economic security of Ukraine in conditions of innovative economic development

Abstract. Sustained economic growth and competitiveness of the national economy can be provided only on the basis of innovative economic development in condition of European integration. In this connection a threat to economic security of the state in an innovative sphere in the conditions of present time needs the detailed analysis.

The purposes of this research are analysis and systematization of threats to economic security of Ukraine in the scientific-technological sphere with a view to strategic directions of the state economic security providing determination in the conditions of innovative economic development.

The state of scientific-technological constituent of Ukraine’s economic security in the area of critical condition indicates the presence of systemic threats to economic security in this sphere, among that: low technological level of most industries, critical condition of capital productive assets, high charges of production, subzero quality of products and others. An analysis of knowledge intensity indexes of GDP and volumes of scientific and technical activity financing in Ukraine one of the most subzero values in Europe. Together with it substantial deviation of indicators of investment safety from their maximum legitimate values specifies on problems with providing of necessities of economy in investment resources as a result of action of the educed threats in a scientifically-technological sphere.

Subzero innovative activity in Ukraine and educed threats in this sphere are reason of national economy competitiveness declines and acquired any additional threats to the Ukraine’s economic security in productive, investment, foreign economic and financial spheres. Therefore providing of Ukraine’s economic security in a long-term prospect needs not only the increase of quantitative production volume, but also introduction of quality changes on the basis of innovative development of economy that will allow to do home products competitive in the world market.

Keywords: State Economic Security; Threat to Economic Security; Investment Resources; Innovative Economic Development

JEL Classification: E20; E60; H56; H80; O10


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Received 18.11.2013