Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 138, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 28-31

Citation information:
Malinovska, O., & Rudzinska, R. (2014). Procedural and institutional regulation of the financial support for social protection of population. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 28-31.

Olha Malinovska
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Lviv State Academy of Finance
3 Kopernik St., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

Roksoliana Rudzinska
PhD Student,
Lviv State Academy of Finance
3 Kopernik St., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine

Procedural and institutional regulation of the financial support for social protection of population

Abstract. The central question today is the development of social protection in each country. The main component of which is its financial support. For effective financing of social protection is necessary to have a clearly defined regulatory and legal basis. In Ukraine, such a basis is, but it is not efficient and some of its regulatory norms are even contradictory. Therefore, the actual remains the creation of an effective legal framework of financial support for social protection in Ukraine. Therefore, the actual questions still have to create an effective regulatory environment of financial support for social protection in Ukraine. In the article the main types of legal forms of social protection are illuminated; the regulatory and legal basis of state financing of social protection in Ukraine in the context of developing a socially oriented economy is considered. A number of approaches to improve its operation are offered, for example: codifying the social legislation and the development of Social Law book; some amendments to legislation governing the provision of social services; standardization of terminology of social legislation, holding the signing of international agreements that will allow reaching a new level of financial support social protection. Thus, in order to improve the mechanism of financial support social protection the first we must start with the modernization of the legal system on this issue.

Keywords: Social Security; Enforceability of Welfare; Social Partnership; Targeted Social Assistance

JEL Classification: H55; I38; K10


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Received 02.11.2013