Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 138, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 48-51
Citation information:
Yurynets, O., & Tomiuk, O. (2014). Justification of multilevel marketing strategy structure of automotive enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 48-51.
Oksana Yurynets
PhD (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
Lviv National Polytechnic University
12 Bandera St., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Olesia Tomiuk
PhD Student,
Lviv National Polytechnic University
12 Bandera St., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Justification of multilevel marketing strategy structure of automotive enterprises
Abstract. Automotive industry is perspective in Ukraine, but current approaches in strategic marketing management are not effective anymore because of the multilevel structure of the supply from manufacturer to consumer. Each link in the supply chain has to bear all sorts of responsibilities and perform different functions within the same tools of the marketing mix, which necessitates the development of multilevel marketing strategy with a detailed description of the division of functions in accordance with corporate standards developed, which, in its turn, will facilitate rapid formation of brand positioning change and improve customer loyalty.
The purpose of this paper is identification of main aspects of multilevel marketing strategies for automotive enterprises in Ukraine, to ensure the effective strategic marketing management.
Methods of investigation include the analysis of the structure of the automotive industry in Ukraine with determination accessories manufacturing companies to large business organizations. The article deals with analysis of the range of products, manufactured in domestic enterprises, and selected Ukrainian brands, their positioning and position on the domestic and foreign markets, identifying of their strengths and weaknesses.
The expediency of unified marketing strategy developing to promote domestic brands is substantiated. The features of the hierarchical structure of automobile corporations are highlighted, based on the algorithm of multilevel marketing strategy developing for competitiveness providing of domestic brands in automotive industry.
Based on the analysis of the main participants in the automotive industry of Ukraine and their marketing efforts was proposed the using a multilevel approach for the implementation of a new marketing strategy, that provides for the division of responsibilities between departments and divisions and their partners, according to the most effective usage of the marketing mix.
Keywords: Automobile Market; Automobile Company; Trademark; Competitive Positioning; Marketing Strategy
JEL Classification: D21; L10; L20; L62; M31
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Received 22.11.2013