Actual problems of the population’s educational potential usage

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 138, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 56-59

Citation information:
Komarova, O. (2014). Actual problems of the population’s educational potential usage. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 56-59.

Olha Komarova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kirovohrad National Technical University
8 University Ave, Kirovohrad, 25030, Ukraine

Actual problems of the population’s educational potential usage

Abstract. Introduction. In the conditions of information society, the educational potential development is the key to the competitiveness of the employees: its level determines the economic activity and employment, the territorial and professional mobility intensity, the level of income. However, dynamics of the domestic labour market development testifies to the insufficient usage of the population’s educational potential. Purpose of the article is to analyse the status and trends of the population’s educational potential usage on the basis of education fund losses determination and to find out rationale for it. Results. In the article, the methodical approach to population’s educational potential usage estimation is applied, basing on calculations of the educational fund by economically active, employed, and unemployed population. Analyses of the employed population educational level tendencies was conducted and loss of the educational fund as a result of unemployment was identified. Conclusion. It is substantiated that the main causes of the population’s educational potential incomplete usage are: structural inconsistency between the amount and profile training of workers and specialists for labour market needs; imbalances of the individual educational needs and the needs of the market; destruction of the population’s professional orientation system; discrepancy of the graduates qualification level to the employers requirements; lack of qualitative education skill requirements; break partner relations between the educational institutions and the enterprises.

Keywords: Population’s Educational Potential; Employment; Labour Market; Unemployment; Educational Fund; Educational Fund Loss

JEL Classification: E24; J21; J23; J24


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Received 26.10.2013