Cluster policy as a tool of regional economics competitiveness improvement

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 139, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 12-15

Citation information:
Gallyamova, D. (2014). Cluster policy as a tool of regional economics competitiveness improvement. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 12-15.

Dinara Gallyamova
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
35 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, 420008, Russia

Cluster policy as a tool of regional economics competitiveness improvement

Abstract. The theoretical basis of national economics competitiveness improvement based on cluster policy implementation is discussed in the article. The author provided the analysis of main techniques for clusters identification in Europe, the United States of America and Russia. Many researches concentrate on one qualitative or quantitative method, thus complex identification of clusters would be more appropriate. Most exact results can be received through the clusters direct participants identification, who are carriers of the main array of information on their specific characteristics and dynamics. At the same time, work with experts under the elements of a cluster leads to probability of information obtaining that has subjective character which is especially dangerous at the first stages of carrying out the analysis. When studying activity interaction of clusters elements, besides consideration of different types of intra-network cooperation, especially close attention wais paid to cooperation between competitors. Analyzing Russian experience of clusters identification, it was revealed that now federal authorities of the Russian Federation already took first steps towards the cluster policy realization.

Analysis of cluster initiatives of leading nations was performed, and it was concluded that the implementation of cluster policy in the Republic of Tatarstan is essential. Priority directions of such policy were presented.

Research results have both theoretical and practical value and could be utilized in further studies of theoretical and practical problems of clusters development as tools for the territories economic efficiency improvement.

Keywords: Cluster; Cluster Policy; Competitiveness; National Economics; International Experience; the Republic of Tatarstan

JEL Classification: F15; O10


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Received 03.01.2014