Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 139, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 39-42

Citation information:
Shmatko, A., & Rastov, M. (2014). Innovative activity of the organization: dilemmas and choice. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 39-42.

Alexey Shmatko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
21 Sadovaya Str., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation

Miron Rastov
PhD Student,
Institute of Problems of Regional Economy,
The Russian Academy of Sciences
38 Serpukhovskaya Str., St. Petersburg, 190013, Russian Federation

Innovative activity of the organization: dilemmas and choice

Abstract. In the article, the problem when choosing the direction of innovative activity of the organization is formulated as a dilemma decision between the two opposite solutions. In this context, such issues are analysed, as the problems of «excessive quality», the depth of the innovation process, the number of optimal R&D stages determination; approaches to the innovation-oriented organizations capacity building, as well as the methods of cooperation with scientific and educational institutions in the innovation clusters. Conclusion about the special role of knowledge transfer and «subject-subject coordination» as a type of self-organizing control for the complex systems nonlinear development, including clusters, has been made. The authors compared transactional relationship (contract) of cooperation within the framework of strategic alliances. They revealed the nature of competition in partnerships of small innovative enterprises.

As an approach to resolving the formulated dilemmas, multivariate setting of the simulation models parameters streaming budget planning for the innovation company is proposed.

As an example of the institutionalization of innovation management in the vertical hierarchy of the company, an experience of scientific and technical complex of public corporation «Russian Railways» is used. A mechanism of the scientific and technical complex participants of public corporation «Russian Railways» motivation has been worked out, and its impact on the effectiveness of innovative activities holding has been analysed within the proposed approach.

Conclusion about the importance of organizations’ innovation strategies as a driver of economy innovation development in general has been made.

Keywords: Innovative Activities; Innovation Project; Strategic Choice

JEL Classification: D21; O31; O33


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Received 03.02.2014