Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 139, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 51-54
Citation information:
Kryvoruchkina, О. (2014). Tools for operational environment analysis in enterprise’s productivity management. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 51-54.
Оlena Kryvoruchkina
PhD (Geology),
Associate Professor,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
Tools for operational environment analysis in enterprise’s productivity management
Abstract. The issues of benchmarking practices in company’s productivity management were actualized in the research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the typology of the operational environment models (DEA) and the development on this basis the architecture of decision-making processes to improve the productivity of the company. The evolution of forming of tools DEA analysis was investigated.
The priority of DEA method usage in comparison with parametric methods of efficiency analysis was proven. The author determined the DEA model based on such classification criteria: type of production function (piecewise linear; piecewise non-linear); performance management targets (output-oriented model, input-oriented model); the total growth of market inputs and outputs in excess of market growth rates in the past; economies of scale (constant return scale, variable-return-to-scale). A dualistic approach to building information constructs was proposed on the basis of best business practices, and due to the formation of artificial reference objects. It is proven that system usage of analysis tools in practice of the enterprise’s management generates a permanent productivity improvement management. It is set that DEA technique supplementing business intelligence processes in view of the typical targets of usage (improving the quality of decision-making and expanding the application) will widen the information base.
It was proved that this method of DEA creates conditions for comparison with the current practice of the best business counterparts. This formulates new goals and ways to implement such practices, forms awareness of the needs and opportunities for their implementation.
Keywords: Productivity; Efficiency; Benchmarking; Market Inputs; Marketing Outputs; Operational Environment Analysis; DEA
JEL Classification: B41; D24
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Received 28.02.2014