Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 139, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 66-69

Citation information:
Mayorova, Т. (2014). Synergetic approach to a modern paradigm developing of the investment process financial & credit mechanism activating. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 66-69.

Тetiana Mayorova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Head of Banking Investments Department,
Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
54/1 Peremogy Ave, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

Synergetic approach to a modern paradigm developing of the investment process financial & credit mechanism activating

Abstract. In order to overcome negative trends and crisis effects in the real economy of the country, it is necessary to improve methodological aspects of the financial & credit mechanism forming of investment process activating. Recommendations concerning the synergy of financial and investment spheres interaction intensifying need further development. Purpose of the article is developing a modern paradigm of financial & credit mechanism of the investment process activation using synergetic approach. Methods. Research is based on the methodology of complex systems and dialectics of integrity and inconsistency of the modern world. General scientific and specific cognition methods such as systems approach, dialectical approach, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, logical method, qualitative and quantitative analysis were applied. Results. Synergy of financial & credit mechanism of the investment process activating was defined as joint and uniform functioning of its elements under the stipulation that the general result of its functioning outperforms the amount of complex effects (financial results of all investment process participants). Synergetic connection is the connection that, on the one hand, intensifies the functioning mechanism efficiency and, on the other hand, results in cooperative actions of the financial & credit and investment spheres elements. Synergy of the investment process acting financial & credit mechanism functioning and development is realized in order to account the contradictions of order and chaos between finance and investment. However, efficient functioning of mechanism as a whole is possible only in contradictions between them. Conclusion. Financial & credit mechanism of investment process activating is a self-organized (open, non-linear, non-balanced) system which includes system-forming elements and factors of financial & credit and investment spheres, with their synergy directed at creation favourable conditions for generating, distributing and using of financial & credit funds in investment activity of the enterprises on macro and micro levels.

Keywords: Financial & Credit Mechanism; Investment Process; Synergy; Synergetic Effect; Contradictions

JEL Classification: B41; E62


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Received 03.02.2014