Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 140, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 23-26

Citation information:
Kholyavko, N., Mostova, M., & Shestakovska, T. (2014). Ukraine’s higher education system development tendencies. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 23-26.

Natalya Kholyavko
PhD (Economics),
Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management
1 Striletska Str., Chernihiv, 14005, Ukraine

Maya Mostova
PhD (Economics),
Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management
1 Striletska Str., Chernihiv, 14005, Ukraine

Tetyana Shestakovska
Post-Graduate Student,
Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management
1 Striletska Str., Chernihiv, 14005, Ukraine

Ukraine’s higher education system development tendencies

Abstract. The authors analyze the official statistical data characterizing the activity of Ukrainian higher educational institutions (HEI) of III-IV accreditation levels. Innovative development of the national economy mostly depends on the development of the higher education system as a training, research, commercialization, innovation transfer system. Key trends in the development of the modern higher education system of Ukraine are specified as follows: diversification of HEI financing sources; lifelong learning tendencies; the share of population with higher education increase; predominance of the students on economic, education and juridical areas of training over the numbers of students enrolled in technical specialties; optimization of HEI network; highly qualified personnel maintenance of educational process; increased number of foreign students. The main problems are: insufficient level of the higher education system and the labor market consistency; low rates of youth unemployment in Ukraine; insufficient funding of universities; insufficient development level of material-technical base and infrastructure of the higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

Keywords: University; Diversification; Transfer; Commercialization; Financing

JEL Classification: I21; I22; O11


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Received 21.02.2014