Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 140, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 59-62
Citation information:
Ropotan, I. (2014). Financial convergence of the regions sustainable development in the state. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 59-62.
Iryna Ropotan
PhD Seeker,
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska Str., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine
Financial convergence of the regions sustainable development in the state
Abstract. Introduction. Regional asymmetries strengthening in Ukraine’s development leads to an objective need for theoretical and practical solutions to this problem, primarily by ensuring regional financial convergence. The purpose of the article is to establish an economic content, terms and tools of the sustainable development financial convergence ensuring in the regions of a country. Results. Based at the theoretical analysis of the financial convergence economic substance, generalization and systematization of scientific approaches, the interpretation of the sustainable development financial convergence of the regions in the country is improved. Variety of conditions to provide sustainable development financial convergence of the regions in the country are defined, which may be differentiated and distinguished as effective, moderately effective and ineffective. The tools of the sustainable development financial convergence of the regions in the country providing, which are financial policies of state and regions, are presented. Conclusion. Based at the sustainable development financial convergence of the regions in the country, it is possible to achieve equal access to public goods and services, elimination of budgetary distortions, the local budgets stability, the deficit of the region’s financial resources adjustment, increase the region’s investment attractiveness, access to domestic financial resources improvement, and more.
Keywords: Financial Convergence; Region’s Sustainable Development; Inter-Regional Asymmetries; Financial Support
JEL Classification: Н72; Н77; О10; О18; R12
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Received 05.02.2014