Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 141, Issue 5-6, Pages: 4-7
Citation information:
Sharov, A. (2014). Civilization backgrounds of national economic development strategies. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 4-7.
Alexander Sharov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Foreign Economic Policy Division Chief,
National Institute for Strategic Studies
Kyiv, Ukraine
Civilization backgrounds of national economic development strategies
Abstract. The author makes analyses of specific cases and general trends of inter-civilization interaction in economic issues and the impact of traditional backgrounds of different civilizations on the economic developments in countries. Such analyses lead to the conclusion that civilization and world outlook views backgrounds have to be integral and defining components of national development strategies, as far as it is not possible to reach success without taking it in consideration. However, there are some basic principles which also must to be taking into account to insure success in sustainable economic development of a country. So, it is necessary to reach «Kyiv Consensus» (i.e. a common understanding of the state’s elite regarding definition the principles of the economic development) on the base of these two approaches and create efficacious economic strategy for Ukraine.
Keywords: Civilization; Model of Development; National Strategy of Development; Base and Superstructure; «Kyiv Consensus»
JEL Classification: O10; O50; P51
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Received 30.03.2014